Dick Phelps

- Published on this site: 21-10-2020 19:54:20

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The long-term mission of the entire staff of Phelps-Atkinson Golf Course Design is quite simply to be recognized by our peers as among the best golf course architects of our era. We also believe that it is not unrealistic to think that someday Phelps-Atkinson Golf Course Design will be mentioned among the best of all time.

With name recognition being such an important aspect of the golf industry, we are in a unique position where Rick Phelps is able to continue to pursue the art of golf course design by building and expanding on the already excellent reputation developed by his father, Dick Phelps. Unlike many of the other father/son names that are recognized in the golf design field, part of our mission is to coordinate our work, our personalities and our staff so that there are no conflicts that would ultimately be prohibitive to our goals.

Our current staff allows us the opportunity to offer clients a wide range of design strengths, without encumbering the project with a cliché style or an unrealistic design solution. The experience within the firm is a key ingredient to producing exciting design work using time-tested methods and proven results. The ultimate proof: Our golf courses are enjoyed by thousands of golfers every year.

Source: http://www.phelpsgolfdesign.com/about-us/

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